Stakeholder Advisory Group

SBP Chief Executive Officer, Carsten Huljus, invites SBP stakeholders to register their interest in becoming a member of the new Stakeholder Advisory Group.

Following the success of the SBP Stakeholder Committee that was in operation from 2016 to 2018, we are keen to maintain a formal link with our stakeholders and harness their views and support. Stakeholder engagement with our many and diverse stakeholders is an essential part of our operations.

The role of the Stakeholder Advisory Group is to provide a platform for stakeholder input and advice to support the work of the SBP Standards Committee in the development, implementation and maintenance of SBP standards and related documents. As well as other relevant activities towards furthering SBP’s development as a biomass certification system and making SBP an efficient and effective organisation.

The number of members of the Stakeholder Advisory Group is unlimited, although only one representative from each organisation/institution will be permitted.

I invite you to register your interest in serving on the Stakeholder Advisory Group by completing the registration form. [read more]When registering you will be asked to confirm that you have read and understood the terms of reference of the Group and consent to our non-disclosure agreement. As soon as we receive your registration we will contact you to inform you of the next steps.

Carsten Huljus
SBP Chief Executive Officer[/read]