SBP Directorate Changes

The Sustainable Biomass Program (SBP) has today announced recent changes to our Board of Directors. We welcome Robin Barr as a new director representing Civil Society and say a fond farewell to Arnie Bercov, who stepped down at the end of December 2024 after completing his full term of appointment (six years) also representing Civil Society.

As with all SBP Board appointees, Robin will serve on the board in a personal capacity. We look forward to the valuable contributions she will bring, drawing on her extensive experience and expertise.

Robin is Director for Funding Indigenous-led Conservation at Nature For Justice. She brings over 20 years of international experience working with corporations and stakeholders to transform forestry, agriculture and extractive supply chains to become more responsible.

For more information, please contact:

Melanie Wedgbury (SBP)
T: +44 (0)7734 793279