SBP Publishes Revised Regional Risk Assessments for Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania

The Sustainable Biomass Program (SBP) has today published the revised Regional Risk Assessments (RRAs) for Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

As a result of the Standards Development Process launched in May 2020, both SBP Standards 1 and 2 were revised, thus triggering the review of all existing SBP-endorsed RRAs. Indufor Oy was appointed as the Working Body responsible for reviewing and revising the existing SBP-endorsed RRAs for Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

RRAs are a key part of SBP’s focus on identifying and managing risks associated with sustainably sourcing feedstock for biomass production. With an RRA covering an entire geographic region, and determining the risks associated with sourcing feedstock from that region, the need for individual Biomass Producers to conduct risk assessments is avoided, leading to an efficient and consistent risk assessment process. RRAs also ensure active engagement with a diverse range of stakeholders in the region.

The revised RRAs can be viewed here.

For more information, please contact:

Melanie Wedgbury (SBP)
T: +44 (0)7734 793279