SBP Launches Public Consultation on Principle 3 of Draft SBP Standard 1

The Sustainable Biomass Program (SBP) has today launched a public consultation on Principle 3 of draft SBP Standard 1: Feedstock Compliance.

Our Standards Development Process is designed to facilitate an open, inclusive and constructive sharing of views amongst our stakeholder community. At the request of our Standards Committee, we are conducting a public consultation focusing on Principle 3, Biomass sourcing contributes to climate change mitigation.

The objective of the public consultation is threefold:

  1. To inform stakeholders of the status of Principle 3;
  2. To gather expert input and suggestions to ensure clarity of the requirements; and
  3. To identify the need for the development of specific guidance for Principle 3, once the Standard has been approved.

The consultation is accessible via the Feedback Platform, please use the platform to provide your feedback and comments. The consultation closes on Thursday, 30 June 2022.