Contact us
For all technical and general information enquiries, please contact Agita Nagle and for media enquiries, please contact Melanie Wedgbury.
Agita Nagle
Office Manager
Sustainable Biomass Program
T: +371 292 033 88

Melanie Wedgbury
Sustainable Biomass Program
T: +44 (0)7734 793279

We encourage all our stakeholders to get involved in the work that we do. Through stakeholder engagement we aim to improve our certification scheme and increase awareness of the impact we can have in the biomass sector.
Feedback is welcome on any aspect of our standards, processes and procedures, whether it constitutes a suggestion for change, revision or clarification. If you wish to make a complaint, please scroll down to see how to do that.Thank you in advance for your contribution.
Should you wish to send your feedback anonymously, please click here.