Want to be SBP certified? Find out which of our Standards apply to you…

Mandatory requirements for all Certificate Holders

Do you produce biomass?

Do you trade biomass?

Based on your responses:
SBP Standards 4, 5, 6 (optional) and Instruction Documents 5E, REDII, 6D (optional) are applicable to you.

Do you use biomass?

Based on your responses:
SBP Standards 4, 5, 6 (optional), Instruction Documents 5E, REDII, 6D (optional) are applicable to you.

Based on your responses:
It doesn’t look like SBP certification is for you.

Do you trade biomass?

Do you produce and use biomass on a single site?

Based on your responses:
SBP Standards 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 (optional) and Instruction Documents 5E, REDII, 6D (optional) are applicable to you.

Do you use biomass?

Based on your responses:
SBP Standards 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 (optional) and Instruction Documents 5E, REDII, 6D (optional) are applicable to you.

Based on your responses:
SBP Standards 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 (optional) and Instruction Documents 5E, REDII, 6D (optional) are applicable to you.

If you do business in specific markets and/or source specific feedstocks, you may need to comply with additional requirements…

Do you source woody feedstock from non-forest sources?

Instruction Document 1A is applicable to you.

Do you sell to the Netherlands?

Instruction Documents 2D and/or 2E are applicable to you*

*For Biomass Producers sourcing primary forest feedstock.

Do you sell to Japan?

Instruction Document Japan is applicable to you.

Do you sell to Japan?

Instruction Document Japan is applicable to you.

Do you operate in Flanders?

Instruction Document 6B and the Biomass Report are applicable to you.

Do you operate in Japan?

Instruction Document Japan is applicable to you.