Meeting the Requirements of EU REDII

SBP has today published v1.1 of Instruction Document REDII: Bridging Requirements for Meeting REDII and supporting documents, and launched a recorded webinar to provide guidance and assistance to Certificate Holders and Certification Bodies when implementing the requirements.

In December 2023, the European Commission confirmed that, following assessment, the SBP certification scheme was found to meet the existing standards in force on reliability, transparency and independent auditing (for demonstrating compliance with Articles 29(2-7) and 29(10) of Directive (EU) 2018/2001(REDII)), taking into consideration the rules set out in Implementing Regulation 2022/996 and Implementing Regulation 2022/2448.

Instruction Document REDII, v1.1 is applicable to both v1.0 and v2.0 of the SBP Standards. Note that to produce REDII-compliant biomass, Biomass Producers must comply with the relevant SBP Standards and Instruction Document REDII: Bridging Requirements for Meeting REDII. Compliance with REDII requirements is mandatory for all Certificate Holders certified against the SBP Standards v2.0.

The suite of REDII-related documents published today is as follows:

  • Instruction Document REDII: Bridging Requirements for Meeting REDII, specifying the bridging requirements between the normative SBP Standards and REDII
  • Instruction Document REDII: Scheme principles for management of REDII scheme, specifying the SBP certification scheme principles and internal management system for REDII
  • Instruction Document 6D: Methodology for the calculation and certification of GHG emissions savings for REDII, mandatory for Certificate Holders that are required to perform greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions savings calculations in accordance with REDII, otherwise optional
  • Audit Checklist for REDII scheme, checklist to be used by Certification Bodies when evaluating compliance with REDII requirements

If you have any questions about EU REDII compliance, please contact our Assurance Manager, Roman Polyachenko.

For more information, please contact:

Melanie Wedgbury (SBP)
T: +44 (0)7734 793279