SBP has published the suite of REDII documents that, in conjunction with our current Standards, have received formal recognition from the European Commission under the recast Renewable Energy Directive (EU) 2018/2011 (REDII).
REDII lays down requirements for, amongst other energy sources, biomass, to ensure that they can be counted towards the targets set in the Directive only if they have been sustainably produced and save significant greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels.
Our systems have now been updated to allow the SBP certification scheme to be used to demonstrate REDII compliance. Any Certificate Holders wishing to extend the scope of their SBP certificate and make use of the REDII claim must comply with the REDII requirements, whilst maintaining compliance with the core SBP requirements.
All the REDII documents be found on our website at:
Our Assurance Manager, Roman Polyachenko, will be on hand to provide support to all parties, as necessary.