All SBP certificates in Russia and Belarus were suspended on 8 April 2022. As a result, it has not been possible to source SBP-certified biomass from either country since that date.
In May, SBP announced that it was transitioning to a new assurance service provider, ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB). ANAB has confirmed that due to the ongoing geopolitical situation it cannot provide services in Russia and Belarus, which means that approved SBP Certification Bodies will not be able to carry out SBP audits in Russia and Belarus.
Due to the lack of auditing and independent oversight thereof, it is unlikely that the existing suspensions will be lifted in the short to medium term. Under these conditions, SBP certification in Russia and Belarus cannot be maintained and all currently suspended certificates will be terminated by 15 August 2022.
SBP will maintain necessary communications with all affected stakeholders and continue to monitor the situation. SBP also reiterates its commitment to supporting and certifying good biomass from all parts of the globe, where it is in line with our values, and technically and operationally possible to do so.