Instruction Documents for SBP Standards v2.0
SBP Instruction Document 1A
Instruction Document 1A is for Biomass Producers sourcing feedstock from trees outside forests.
SBP Instruction Document 2D
Instruction Document 2D specifies the requirements for the evaluation and certification of Group Schemes for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the Netherlands SDE+ requirements for biomass categories 1 and 2.
Instruction Document 2E
Instruction Document 2E specifies the requirements for the evaluation, using a Risk Based Approach (RBA), of the sustainability requirements of controlled biomass categories 1 and 2 as defined by the Netherlands SDE+ requirements.
Instruction Document 3I
Instruction Document 3I specifies normative requirements for CBs auditing SBP Group Schemes against Instruction Document 2D: SBP Requirements for Group Schemes for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the Netherlands SDE+ requirements for biomass categories 1 and 2.
SBP Instruction Document 5E
Instruction Document 5E accompanies SBP Standard 5: Collection and Communication of Data and sets out the requirements and options for collecting the energy and carbon data that accompany SBP-certified biomass through the supply chain.