SDE+ Instruction Documents 2D and 2E: Public Consultation
We are consulting on two Instruction Documents that allow SBP Certificate Holders to demonstrate compliance with specific biomass sustainability requirements of the Netherlands SDE+ subsidy regime.
Following the development of the SBP Standards v2.0, it has been necessary to update Instruction Documents 2D and 2E and seek the approval of the Dutch authorities. As part of that approval process, we now invite stakeholders to review and submit comments on the requirements of these two documents (links to the documents are given below). The deadline for comments is Friday, 3 November 2023.
All feedback should be submitted to Roman Polyachenko.
Instruction Document 2D specifies the requirements for the evaluation and certification of group schemes for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the Netherlands SDE+ requirements for biomass categories 1 and 2. Minor changes have been introduced in v2.0, including:
- the group scheme now only applies to SDE+ biomass categories 1 and 2, rather than 1 to 4 under v1.0
- a reference to Instruction Document 3I: SBP requirements for Certification Bodies auditing SBP group schemes has been added
- definitions and references have been aligned with those in the revised SBP Standards v2.0
Instruction Document 2E specifies the requirements for the evaluation, using a risk-based approach, of the Netherlands SDE+ requirements for controlled biomass categories 1 and 2. Minor changes have been introduced in v2.0, including:
- the risk-based approach is only available for SDE+ controlled biomass, rather than SDE+ compliant biomass
- definitions and references have been aligned with those in the revised SBP Standards v2.0